Chinese astrology - Li Chun Beginning of Spring

Today is the official start of spring in the Chinese calendar, called Li Chun.

It's actually the real start of the new year, although we celebrate it a little later in the month on the 12th of February the actual transition is now, today!

The Western calendar puts the new year on the 31st jan in the period the Chinese associate with winter.

How can it be the beginning of the new if we are still in hibernation and deep in winter without the new growth and hope spring brings?

The Chinese calendar segments the year into 24 seasons. A new one every 2 weeks allowing us to be in tune with the seasonal changes.

So today is the start of new growth, in nature, ideas, plans, study, learning and self development.

It's a time when we should act on all the ideas we have to allow them to grow throughout the coming year and years.

Today is a good time to give birth to the spring in you and re-enter the world and shake off the winter!

I offer Chinese astrology personality analysis with advice on work, relationships and wealth and how to improve on them this year. I can also calculate a yearly forecast to prepare you to make the best of what each mont can offer. Get in touch and take control of the year ahead.

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